Saturday, February 26, 2011

Enemy of love

This is not my first blog.
Not my first entry.
Not my first over share. 

But yet, this is still a big first for me.

I told myself that I would never write about love.
Not about dating.
Not about sex.
Not about first kisses or flirtatious glances.

It's not because I hate love (although sometimes it feels like we're enemies).  It's because I never thought anyone would be interested in my love life. I'm barely interested in my love life.

But today I reached a turning point. I realized that I was tired - tired of watching movies or reading articles  that showed a single life that did not in anyway speak to the one I'm living. Sure, I get  how it stinks for the Sex & The City gals to go on dates with a parade of unworthy guys. But given that the only man who has touched me in the last six months is my yoga teacher,I know for a fact that there are far worse fates.

So here I am. Starting today. Prepared to tell the honest, ugly, sometimes hilarious, sometimes humiliating truth about looking for (and occasionally dodging) love.

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