Sunday, May 8, 2011

Going on Thirty

I had brunch with a very dear friend of mine, and he asked me how I felt about my upcoming 30th birthday.

I paused before answering, reflecting a bit about the 10-year-old, 16-year-old and 21-year-old versions of myself and where they thought I'd be when I turned 30. And then I responded with something along the lines of, "I am really happy with my career and the work that I do, but in terms of my love life, this isn't what I had pictured for myself-"

Being the good friend that he is, he interrupted me, and said, "Well, then it's time to paint a different picture."

As trite as that sounds, he couldn't have said anything truer. The younger iterations of myself, also didn't imagine that I would explore, hang upside down, lead. In order to fit all that other important stuff in, my picture had to look a little bit different. And that's not something to be sad about.

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